
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Another day, another fatwa

What is it this time?

A blasphemous book, a cartoon, haram artwork or someone burning a Quran?

None of the above. It's a 16-years-old girl who wants to sing in front of an audience.
Indian Idol Junior first runner-up Nahid Afrin landed into a trouble after over 40 clerics from Muslim organisations issued a fatwa restricting her to perform on stage. The reason being that the performance by a girl on stage is against the Sharia laws.
Would it ever occur to you that a simple act of a girl singing on stage is somehow offensive or worthy of condemnation? That's the gulf between the West and Islam.

Many Indians are not afraid to stand with her.
Meanwhile, several organisations and individuals in Assam have come out to support the young singer and against the ‘fatwa’ issued against the singer and said that people of Assam will give security to her.


  1. This is a horrible story, but since it's in Pakistan, it will probably be completely ignored.

  2. Pakistan?

    Nope. The fatwa is from 40 local Muslim clerics who think that they can intimidate a Muslim girl in Assam, India!

    Her songs have an anti-ISIS flavor. Naturally, these principled Muslims couldn't tolerate that.

  3. I'm sorry. Right. India. I had read the story earlier in the day on another website. Same part of the world. But India is not a Muslim country... yet.
