
Friday, March 17, 2017

Congressman Chaffetz: Investigation Into Hillary Clinton Private Email Use Not Over

You know, this sounds good, but I'm starting to get the feeling I am watching the same old lots-of-talk-no-action ploy we have always seen.

And, I am concerned that the lack of action is supported by Trump.


From Fuck Fox News:
“We need to understand the gravity of this. There is a reason the State Department, years after, is still holding off on giving us documents,” Chaffetz told Fox News. “The more they want to hold them, the more curious we are on what’s in them.” 
Chaffetz said the State Department has been “dreadfully slow” in turning over some 30,000 additional documents, and that he expected the investigation to last well into 2018. 
“Agencies like to brag about how many thousands of documents they’ve given us, but it’s not about the count — it’s about getting 100 percent of them.” 
The committee head said his panel plans to investigate the case from “top to bottom” — including investigating the meeting on an airport tarmac between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Bill Clinton in “such close proximity” to the conclusion of the FBI’s investigation of the email scandal.

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