
Friday, March 17, 2017

Fake News

Note the headline here:

To read it you would think Tim Allen is comparing the Trump administration to 1930s Hitler's Germany.

Which, knowing Allen is more conservative than liberal, I found odd. But the headline is all many people will read. "Oh look, even Tim Allen thinks Trump is Hitlerian."

But then watch the actual interview:

and it becomes clear he is not talking about Trump, but about the anti-Trump movement and very specifically Hollywood.

story here for those who can and still want to get the whole story


  1. MR,
    What the media did here is incredibly disgusting and brazen in it's immorality.

    They don't care. They are just disgusting people.

  2. This both disgusts me and pisses me off.

    Honestly, I've never seen a POTUS so hated by the media. Never.
