
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Muslim tries to logic

"That's a fact"? Nope. That's an incompetent attempt at diverting attention away from the evil core of Islam. The Islamic punishment for a Muslim apostate is death.

Pray tell, what's the punishment for those who covert to Islam? An example: A. R. Rahman. He was born a Hindu; converted to Islam. He is the most celebrated music composer in Indian history. He even has a couple of Oscars.

Can you think of an ex-Muslim who lives freely and who gets public recognition for his talents in any Muslim country?

Nice try, Hend Amry. Islam is a cult of death and the Christian West is infinitely superior to it.

That's a fact.

(Originally posted at Isaac Schrödinger.)

1 comment:

  1. Muslims are like people who go on the Maury Povich show and get confronted with evidence they cheated.

    Their brain grabs at the bricks and rocks it has lying and around and just starts flinging them in all directions without any thought that what they are saying ought to bear some resemblance to reality.
