
Friday, March 17, 2017

Nader: Congress Must Deal with Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook ‘Monopoly’

From PJM:
WASHINGTON – Consumer advocate and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader said Congress should intervene to address the “new kind of monopoly” that Google, Microsoft, Apple and Facebook have on the technology industry. 
Nader was part of a panel discussion Monday at the Library of Congress’ “Sunshine Week Celebration” dedicated to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The panelists were asked about navigating the current media landscape for facts in the era of “alternative news” and social media. 
“These days the tech companies are more and more involved in the dissemination of news and information and they traditionally have not really wanted to get involved in content and issues surrounding content – that has changed,” said Lucy Dalglish, the dean of the University of Maryland College of Journalism. 
In response to Dalglish’s comments, Nader said the public should not “rely” on the tech companies for accurate news and information. “I don’t see Facebook and Microsoft and Google – they’re trapped by the exudations of their own flamingly fast technological developments. They don’t have a clue when they unleash things what the consequences are and they haven’t had it from day one. They don’t have a clue. They just know they’re putting the product out, they can show it’s exciting and the rest of it is going to take care of itself. No, so I really wouldn’t rely on them,” Nader said at the event. 
“I think we need a grassroots movement of the serious sub-society that can take command of this because eventually it’s going to have to end up in Congress – First Amendment or not, it’s going to have to end up in Congress. You have three or four major monopolies now redefined under our antitrust laws – somebody, we hope. You have Google, you have Facebook, you have Microsoft, what’s the other one? Apple. And they’re sloshing around toward each other, but basically they have a new kind of monopoly – just the way Amazon is developing a new kind of monopoly. This is not going to be, ‘oh, don’t mess with our First Amendment rights.’ No, no, no – this is going to go into the antitrust area and it’s going to go into legislation and the sooner the better,” he added.

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