
Monday, March 13, 2017

Obamacare sets the record for covering more people ….who then can’t afford ACTUAL CARE

I constantly hear how Obamacare is a good because it had COVERED so many people  … well we all know about the subsidies, and the bronze plans…so I wondered how many of the covered could afford the $6,500 deductible of those plans.
Whether it’s poor budget skills, the slow-growing economy or the fact that paychecks have been expanding at an anemic rate for much of the recovery, 38 percent of the more than 3,200 full-time workers nationwide who took part in an online survey said they sometimes live paycheck to paycheck. Another 15 percent said they usually get by this way and 23 percent said they always do, according to findings released Thursday by job-search firm CareerBuilder.
The canard of ‘being covered’ is not the same thing as paying for care. It’s about being able to go to the doctor instead of waiting and going to the ER and 10x the cost for everyone because you are afraid of the bill when you check out.
The metric of ‘being covered’ is a charade, canard, misdirection, a rabbit in a hat. It satisfied LARGE businesses which gained a FEDERAL GUARANTEE that catastrophic hospital costs, outrageous Rx rip offs (and there are plenty of good priced R&D results), and other high costs are underwritten. The instant these guarantees DISAPPEARED companies started dropping out of Ocare left and right. Gee, I wonder why?
And don’t think that means I am happy with Mr. Ryan and his three phase monty.
If the R’s don’t get this right, BERNIE wins, and that means SINGLE PAYER, and maybe the next presidency and House majority as well (and if that happens, won’t it be interesting to see how goes the gerrymandering battles for state houses?)
Lower premiums, low MAXOOP, pick your doc, plans from anywhere (short circuiting the state insurance commissioners), any hospital, no pre-existing conditions WITHOUT finessing that with higher premiums as you get older (you know, when ‘conditions’ might occur), yadda.
GOOD LUCK. And WHERE is the key portion, how in northern NH you can buy that plan whose premium is great and coverage with Dr’s is great, and is available in northwestern New Mexico? You know, that thing which MAKES THE MARKET? The center of low costs? COMPETITION?
Paul, hello? Phase 3, which we can’t see, but have to pass phase one and two to get? FILE UNDER: NANCY PELOSI. Are you really no better than that?
I ***WILL*** pull the other lever.
Can someone speak honestly with the american people?


  1. :"Three phase monty"...LOL.

  2. The metric of ‘being covered’ is a charade, canard, misdirection, a rabbit in a hat.

    I sure is!

    Since ObamaCare took effect with those unaffordable deductibles, medical providers are DEMANDING payment up front. Thousands of dollars. The only way around that paying up front is to flood the emergency rooms, and even then, unless there is immediate threat to life, treatment will be postponed. One example: kidney stones, which are not considered to be life-threatening in most cases. The ER gives pain medications, then says, "Follow up with your doctor."

  3. ** The ER gives pain medications, then says, "Follow up with your doctor."**

    WTF happened to the Hippocratic oath? How is allowing the progression of pain DOING NO HARM?

    We might as well have the marines enforce collection like each of is a banana republic in the 1930's.
    I once read a book where you got organs on credit and if you missed 2 payments GUESS WHAT?

    We need a solution people can afford or we need SINGLE PAYER.

    It's that simple.

  4. Epa,
    WTF happened to the Hippocratic oath? How is allowing the progression of pain DOING NO HARM?

    Medical corporate is looking out for the bottom line instead.
