
Monday, March 27, 2017

BULLSHIT STORY - Paul Ryan Had A Secret Meeting An Hour After He Killed The Healthcare Bill?


From The Last Line of Defense:
Speaker of the House and total sellout Paul Ryan was photographed yesterday, just one hour after announcing to the world that the GOP health care bill was dead in the water, rushing to a secret meeting in a residential neighborhood of Washington DC. 
A reporter for the Washington Examiner heard on a secured channel that Ryan had broken away from his security detail and managed to follow him and take the above photograph of him exiting the vehicle. 
The men he is with aren’t his Secret Service detail. They are the driver and lead agent for former President Barack Obama. 
Examiner reporter Walter Lyons stayed on scene long enough to see Ryan leave approximately an hour later. He told a colleague at the Federalist Papers: 
“He was full of smiles. It was as if he had just accomplished a mission that he had been working on for months.” 
It would appear that Ryan has been working with Obama’s Deep State shadow government all along. Whether he was promised the White House after a plan to overthrow President trump or a percentage of the millions per month Obama makes from Obamacare royalties, Paul Ryan is a traitor to America.


  1. if this came from Washington Examiner reporter – it is debunked as another fake news place.

  2. I'm sorry. Are you saying the story is fake, or the Washington Examiner is fake?

    If you are saying the Washington Examiner is fake, then that is news to me and to Wikipedia.

  3. Says here that he had lunch with former President Obama...

  4. This does feel like fake news to me.

    There was a thread about this article at Free republic, but it got pulled down.

    I googled up the verbiage and it was mostly posted on conspiracy websites.

    I dont really get all the hate for Ryan.

    I think he's still to the right of center as far as northern Republicans go.

    Maybe not MY ideal speaker, but he was probably the best compromise possible.

    Its like the Freedom Caucus maybe right, and this health care bill was Obamacare lite, but what I and the Freedom caucus wants is politically unobtainable.

    Standing on principle (voting for Perot twice) is what got me 8 years of Clinton.

    Politics disgusts me, but it is what it is, finding compromise with a majority that disagrees with you.

    That was of course by design.

  5. Though designed for a much more homogeneous electorate.

  6. Pasto, what do you mean by: " ... or a percentage of the millions per month Obama makes from Obamacare royalties?" Must be a joke I cannot get ...

  7. Yeah, you're right. This is fake.

    that photo you posted of Ryan going to meet with Obama, that photo is from February of 2016.

  8. Please note I put a question mark on the title for a reason.

    I should have checked it out further though.

  9. Anon comment 6 millions he makes in royalties was not Pasto's words but within the original article from Wash Examiner

