
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Saudi Deputy Crown Praises Trump’s ‘Great Understanding’ Of Muslim World After Meeting, Supports Travel Ban

Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman characterized his meeting with President Donald Trump as a “historic turning point in bilateral relations” between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. 
A statement released by the Saudi leader was effusive in its praise for the U.S. president’s “great understanding” of geo-political problems in the Middle East and his concern for better relations with the Saudi people. 
Salman also agreed with Trump’s efforts to enforce a temporary travel ban on visitors to the U.S. that includes countries with a Muslim-majority population. 
“Saudi Arabia does not believe that this measure is targeting Muslim countries or the religion of Islam. This measure is a sovereign decision aimed at preventing terrorists from entering the United States of America. 
President Trump expressed his deep respect for the Religion of Islam, considering it one of the divine religions that came with great human principles kidnapped by radical groups,” he said.


  1. Salman is just full of Caca. The Royal Family had Saudi Security guards beheaded in public a couple years ago for the stampede at Hajj. I watched the video. Disgusting.

    These people are not our friends.

    Sophistry and deceit at its best.

  2. “Saudi Arabia does not believe that this measure is targeting Muslim countries or the religion of Islam. This measure is a sovereign decision aimed at preventing terrorists from entering the United States of America.
    President Trump expressed his deep respect for the Religion of Islam, considering it one of the divine religions that came with great human principles kidnapped by radical groups,”

    Not an ounce of honesty in the whole tirade. And Trump is such a great negotiator that could convince Eskimos to by buy ice cubes, and is not surprising he would praise Islam in spite of the fact that he is probably the first president knowledgeable of what the ideology represents.

  3. Yeah, this is what I love about Trump. He uses his own form of Taqiyya and in doing so he makes them pay a Dhimmi tax to his own public image.

    Fuck Islam.

    Thank God for Trump.

  4. He did the same thing to the yapping Chihuahua Nieto.
