
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Southern Poverty Law Center Spreads Hate

From the USA Today:
Angry protesters shouted down an eminent scholar and sent a female professor to the hospital. 
A crazed gunman entered a D.C. public policy shop and shot an employee before being disarmed. 
Someone mailed a suspicious white powder to a Scottsdale advocacy group, partially closing the office while a Hazmat team tested employees who had been exposed. 
The victims in each case were targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center. 
The SPLC is a non-profit heralded for its noble history defending civil rights. Founded in 1971, the Montgomery, Ala. legal advocacy organization sued the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups in the South on behalf of victims. Big settlements and harsh sanctions were levied against the racist organizations, successfully shuttering some and scaring off many others. 
But by 1986, these groups had rapidly declined. The SPLC could have declared “mission accomplished.” But since funds were still coming in, they declared a new mission statement. No longer would they fight Grand Wizards and Jim Crow, but turned instead to an endlessly expanding target of “extremism.” 
The change in goals was so stark, the entire legal staff resigned.

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