
Thursday, March 16, 2017

"Victorious through terror"

Frightened teachers at a Sydney primary school have revealed students are showing signs of extreme radicalisation at a young age, saying they have been traumatised by threats of beheading and other violent behaviour.
Muslim students are threatening to behead their teachers. In Sydney, Australia. Obviously, this has nothing to do with Islam.
Documents given to the newspaper reportedly reveal that at least three staff members have taken stress leave, received counselling and been paid compensation after bullying from Islamic students.
The inbred Muslims are not going to be future Einsteins but they have learned one thing: intimidation works. The soft, weak, counselled infidels appease the rotten Muslims thugs instead of rightly kicking them out of their nations.


  1. Isaac,

    I will tag team with you on this issue of victorious through terror later today with an unusual post.

  2. An impeachment or two might be just the attitude adjustment that the judiciary needs.

