
Monday, April 03, 2017

How Former Nazis Came to Work in the U.S. After WWII With Help of CIA


  1. This anchors the subversive pattern of consistent CIA treason...continues to this day as recently discovered by the AWAN Bros. IT scandal.

    EXCLUSIVE: House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised By Rogue IT Staff

    Keep in mind, US Navy SEAL, William 'Ryan' Owens, 36 lost his life, and three other Americans were wounded in the Yemen raid because of intel breach which could have been a result of the "Awan Brothers" , the overpaid "IT" specialists had top security access to intel from 31 democrats particularly access to intel from The Select Intelligence Committee of The House, Homeland Security and Foreign Affairs
    There were some 20 burglaries in the offices of these 31 different Democrats for whom the Awan Bros. & their wives worked...
    31 Democrats

  2. to add- remember the helicopter that was mysteriously shot down - the on carrying many member of Seal Team 6 ---


  3. C-CS "Extortion 17"
    8 days after the Awan brothers established their businesses Extortion 17 took place

    The Awans had access to the Emerging Threats Subcommittee which would have provided them the details for Extortion 17
    Operation New Dawn was changed by Obama
    Also consider:

    PatDollard 2/16/2017: Trump Offers Flynn’s Job To Sailor Who Grew Up In Iran And Who Helped Taliban Shoot Down Extortion 17
    Thankfully, he passed on the offer. We dodged a bullet.
    The military General who investigated Extortion 17 was Mattis/Colt
