
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Will There Be a Backlash Against Muslims?


  1. Maybe Raddatz will cry over the evil impulses of the red necks who elected Trump and therefore ejaculate in the night dreaming of lynching mexicans, blacks, muslims and asians of any type.

    If this is the reaction of MSM after what happened in Manchester, you have to wonder ...THEY ARE NOT THAT STUPID, so why are they introducing even MORE of what kept neighbors from calling authorities in San Bernadino?

    Prudence, vigilance, caution and thoughts for the safety of our neighbors, friends and family, combined with common sense IS NOT BIGOTRY.

    HAPPY to apologize with PROFUSE, HEARTFELT SINCERITY later.

    We are circling the drain being pulled down by an MSM IN THE J-TRAP

  2. Epa,
    Ok, why?

    Do you think they have a plan? What is your answer to that question?

    Bat Ye'or had an answer.
