
Friday, May 26, 2017

Yahoo Runs Article On Ariana Grande Suspending Her World Tour and Returning to the U.S. - READ THE COMMENTS

There are over 1000 like this. I did not cut any out. I'm just giving you the first 20 or so:


  1. She hates America and Americans? Who does she think she is? Neil Young?

  2. She is an ill-bred star who has to go to Europe to find her audience.

    I have no use for anyone who "hates America" when our nation has provided a platform to make $,$$$,$$$ in the music industry.

    "Dangerous Woman" encounters real danger and hops a flight and comes back to the land she hates.

    Concern for safety for Americans is not a "religious ban" nor act of bigotry. We need to separate out those two thoughts.
