
Friday, June 02, 2017

Gangster Government

They Make Us Offers We Can Not Refuse

Governed by gangsters? Just examine the wealth accumulated by those who never held a real job and became wealthy while 'serving' in Harry Reid or BHObama...
AOL 12/2016: “Before rising to fame as the keynote speaker at the 2004 DNC convention, and after running a losing campaign, he was broke and got his credit card declined.”

The Obamas just Bought their Rental Home in Washington
5/31/2017, 7:03:47 PM · by Cecily · 25 replies 
The Washington Post ^ | May 31, 2017 | Krissah Thompson, Kathy Orton and Emily Heil 

As POTUS his salary & book sales did not provide the type of nest egg which would cover the expenses related to such luxurious travel as well as upkeep/renovations/interior decorator expenses we've read about for his multiple multi-million dollar residences. 
Rancho Mirage, CA residence . . .$4.25M/The Los Angeles-based interior designer Michael S. Smith is reportedly in charge of decorating the Obamas’ new home

Waimanalo, Hawaii residence ..... NYPost: $8.7M Obama plans post WH w/purchase of Hawaiian mansion D.C. residence ..... (leasing $5M)

Dubai residence .....$4.9M (fwiw: Dubai offers limited extradition) Chicago residence:.....$1,650,000 All while claiming a 19% tax rate


  1. So, where did all his money come from? Hmmmm?

  2. Good question, AOW...does it come from a cesspool run by, soros? I wouldn't be surprised...along with other globalists.

