
Friday, June 02, 2017

Trump's Speech Announcing We're Getting The Fuck Out of the Lying To Ourselves Business (i.e. we're exiting the Paris Climate Accord)

Trump's speech starts at about the 39:30 mark.

By the way, for those who may have been alienated by my dislike of Trump recently, this move pretty much puts me right back on his bandwagon. There is little he could do to fuck up the Globalist movement more than this single move. 

Next stop, build the fucking wall. 


  1. Pasto,
    Point of clarification: I have in no way been alienated by your criticism of Trump. You call 'em like you see 'em.

    I'm off again, on again with blogging because I am again caught in the medical loop. Getting old sucks!

  2. I listened to the complete speech as posted. I have never heard a stronger presentation by a President of the United States and I think this is a moment for Americans to stand proud.

    We have a man, who sees our faces and hears our concerns.

    God Bless the USA and God Bless our POTUS.

  3. An AMERICAN president, not a global one. About damn time!

  4. TLEP,
    Yes, a very strong AMERICAN speech.

  5. Yep. I agree with you too on this. Trump was absolutely NAILS on this.
