
Tuesday, August 01, 2017

The Sistas Are Talking Among Themselves

Media Says Black Women Country’s Most Educated Group, Even Though It’s Not True


  1. Suppose thaat WAS true ... what are the jobs and they spectrum of pay?

    Are they in social work or Chen E?
    Teaching or lawyers?
    McDonalds or hedge funds?
    Day care or building cars?

    Only within a single occupation spectrum AND geographical location can such a comparison make the LEAST amount of sense

  2. My husband has an Eco degree. He says statistics can be skewed to a point of view.

    I agree with the article regarding college attendance. There are individuals investing in an A.D. who take five years to obtain it because of working full time and attending classes part-time.

    I will pit my BSN against their Associate Degree on any given day.

    Also- are we seeing hard science or soft science applications? Business degree or Master in Statistics? Sociology or software applications?

    Strides are being made but this is not a giant leap for mankind.
