
Friday, September 15, 2017

BREAKING: Imran Awan Downloaded “Terabits” of Info to Dropbox — May Have Sold DNC Emails

It seems an awful lot like Debbie Wasserman Schultz (leader of the DNC) COLLUDED WITH MUSLIMS to export the secret communications of Congressional leaders to spy rings.

Now-indicted former congressional IT aide Imran Awan allegedly routed data from numerous House Democrats to a secret server. Police grew suspicious and requested a copy of the server early this year, but they were provided with an elaborate falsified image designed to hide the massive violations. The falsified image is what ultimately triggered their ban from the House network Feb. 2, according to a senior House official with direct knowledge of the investigation.
The secret server was connected to the House Democratic Caucus, an organization chaired by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra. Police informed Becerra that the server was the subject of an investigation and requested a copy of it. Authorities considered the false image they received to be interference in a criminal investigation, the senior official said.
NOW THIS–A House official told Circa News that Imran Awan may have sold the uploaded info. Everyone is talking about Russia but Awan could have been the one to have sold the DNC emails. The DNC refuses to hand over their servers to be investigated. If they really were the victim of a ‘hack’ like they claim, they wouldn’t be protecting their servers from authorities.
The House official told Circa that Awan was also allegedly uploading “terabits of information to dropbox so he was possibly able to access the information even after he was banned from the network.” The official said there is a need for a full congressional investigation on the matter.
“I think this may lead to information as to who really accessed the DNC server – everybody talks about Russia – but look at the access (Awan) had and potentially those emails could have been sold,” the House official added.

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