
Saturday, October 28, 2017

Hillary Sold Russia 20% of U.S. Uranium --- Russia Getting Ready To Test Nuke That Could Wipe Out The Entirety of the UK

Treason has consequences.

How do you think such a missile was developed? Could it possibly be related to this other 'Russia' Skolkovo collusion approved by the Obama administration along with the Clinton Foundation as well as major tech developers such as Cisco, Google, Microsoft, & IBM? 
Quote: ===>Congressional inquiry, Mr. Perry: "The purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a vehicle for world-wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, bio-medicine, energy, satellite & space technology and nuclear technology. Or how about in 2011 when Skolkovo approved the development of a hyper-sonic cruise missile engine directly in response to ours." <===

July 31, 2016 WSJ: The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections
Why did Hillary’s State Department urge U.S. investors to fund Russian research for military uses?


Scroll to bottom of page 62 then to page 101 for Mr. Scott Perry (PA)transcript of hearing held Thursday, March 9, 2017 titled "Undermining democratic institutions and splintering NATO: Russian Disinformation Aims


Government Accountability Institute Report "From Russia With Money"
Hillary Clinton, The Russia Reset, and Cronyism

Executive Summary
•A major technology transfer component of the Russian reset overseen by Hillary Clinton substantially enhanced the Russian military’s technological capabilities, according to both the FBI and the U.S. Army.
•Russian government officials and American corporations participated in the technology transfer project overseen by Hillary Clinton’s State Department that funnelled tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
•A Putin‑connected Russian government fund transferred $35million to a small company with Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta on its executive board which included senior Russian officials.
•John Podesta failed to reveal, as required by law on his federal financial disclosures, his membership on the board of this offshore company
•Podesta also he headed up a think tank which wrote favorably about the Russian reset while apparently receiving millions from Kremlin‑linked Russian oligarchs via an offshore LLC


  1. I doubt that this information is reaching the majority of Americans.

    But if it's reaching Congress, HRC's goose should be cooked. Still, the Clinton Political Machine may prevent her being brought to justice.

    BTW, Hillary is already started being the little old lady on crutches.

  2. How do you think such a missile was developed? Could it possibly be related to this other 'Russia' Skolkovo collusion approved by the Obama administration along with the Clinton Foundation as well as major tech developers such as Cisco, Google, Microsoft, & IBM?

    ff to 1:15
    Quote: ===>Congressional inquiry, Mr. Perry: "The purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a vehicle for world-wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, bio-medicine, energy, satellite & space technology and nuclear technology. Or how about in 2011 when Skolkovo approved the development of a hyper-sonic cruise missile engine directly in response to ours." <===

  3. July 31, 2016 WSJ: The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections
    Why did Hillary’s State Department urge U.S. investors to fund Russian research for military uses?


    Scroll to bottom of page 62 then to page 101 for Mr. Scott Perry (PA)transcript of hearing held Thursday, March 9, 2017 titled "Undermining democratic institutions and splintering NATO: Russian Disinformation Aims

  5. Government Accountability Institute Report "From Russia With Money"
    Hillary Clinton, The Russia Reset, and Crronyism

    Executive Summary
    •A major technology transfer component of the Russian reset overseen by Hillary Clinton substantially enhanced the Russian military’s technological capabilities, according to both the FBI and the U.S. Army.
    •Russian government officials and American corporations participated in the technology transfer project overseen by Hillary Clinton’s State Department that funnelled tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
    •A Putin‑connected Russian government fund transferred $35million to a small company with Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta on its executive board which included senior Russian officials.
    •John Podesta failed to reveal, as required by law on his federal financial disclosures, his membership on the board of this offshore company
    •Podesta also he headed up a think tank which wrote favorably about the Russian reset while apparently receiving millions from Kremlin‑linked Russian oligarchs via an offshore LLC
