
Friday, October 27, 2017

IRS Finally Apologizes To Conservatives For Targeting Them, Pays $3.5 Million Settlement

$3.5 million is chump change for  what they did. What they did was attempt to thwart information getting out during an election.

That is subversion of Democracy.

John Kocksuckinman and Lois Lerner should both be in prison.

From Free Beacon:
The group that led a lawsuit against the IRS for illegally targeting conservative non-profit organizations celebrated the Justice Department’s multi-million dollar settlement on Thursday. 
Mark Meckler, president of Citizens for Self-Governance, hailed the $3.5 million settlement that came “after years of stonewalling.” 
Citizens for Self-Governance spearheaded a lawsuit brought by a coalition of conservative groups that were subjected to enhanced scrutiny from the IRS delaying their approval for non-profit status. 
The plaintiffs asserted that the agency unconstitutionally policed their freedom of speech and harmed their chances of raising money in order to punish the Obama administration’s political opponents. 
“We all know the IRS unconstitutionally target tea party groups to shut down their political speech in a violation of the First Amendment. That has been unequivocally proven by the statements of IRS employees,” he said in a statement. 
“After years of stonewalling by the federal government, the litigation against the IRS for their unconstitutional behavior has been settled and the targeted groups will receive substantial payments.”

1 comment:

  1. Judicial Watch reports
    Records Show Conservatives Overtly Excluded as Leftists Got $1 Billion from Companies Sued by DOJ

    Leaves one to believe that the "Community Organizing" career Obama boasted about operates much like the mafia of generations past. The Clinton's, Obama and Soros enterprises managed to take the Chicago mob and expand it throughout the federal enterprise - reaching out to foreign entities with the likes of Valerie Jarrett who sits comfortably and quietly in the DC compound leased/renovated/purchased with stolen taxpayer treasure.
