
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Who The Fuck Is This Campaign Volunteer, Papadopolus? And Why Did Donal Trump Reject Every Fucking Idea He Had?

Papadopoulos was a volunteer whose repeated attempts to set up meetings between Trump’s camp and Russians were outright rejected. 
The Washington Post reported back in August that Papadopoulos attempted to set up several meetings with Russia and all were rejected by Trump’s camp. 
The adviser, George Papadopoulos, offered to set up “a meeting between us and the Russian leadership to discuss US-Russia ties under President Trump,” telling them his Russian contacts welcomed the opportunity, according to internal campaign emails read to The Washington Post. 
The proposal sent a ripple of concern through campaign headquarters in Trump Tower. Campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis wrote that he thought NATO allies should be consulted before any plans were made. 
Another Trump adviser, retired Navy Rear Adm. Charles Kubic, cited legal concerns, including a possible violation of U.S. sanctions against Russia and of the Logan Act, which prohibits U.S. citizens from unauthorized negotiation with foreign governments. 
The NY Daily News even reported that Manafort put the kibosh on the Russia meetings as well. 
“We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips,” Manafort told his business partner Rick Gates, an account his spokesman Jason Maloni confirmed to the Daily News Monday evening.


  1. It appears Papadopoulos was trying to get some skin in the game. He initiated requests, made overtures, and they were rejected. Regarding Manafort, it seems his crime is along the lines of those committed by any involved in the Panama Papers scandal: money laundering.

    He was not hired by the Trump campaign to launder funds, he was hired to secure the necessary delegates at the RNC. Once done, he was released from what was undoubtedly a contractual obligation.

    I find it interesting he is being investigated for violation of FARA because that is EXACTLY my accusation against Hillary Clinton re: Uranium One. She did not register as a foreign agent for Russia no differently than Manafort did not register his relationship with the Ukraine. BOTH deserve to go down.

    As of yet, it doesn't seem that Trump has a problem. There seems to be no real smoking gun.

  2. From what I know so far, Papadopoulos was indeed a mole. I don't think that his motivations were as benign as TLEP stated above. And if his motivations were not benign, did he do this by himself and without being paid by a branch of the Clinton Political Machine?

    We must NEVER forget the EXTENT of the power and the REACH of the Clinton Political Machine!

  3. The Podesta's filed their FARA forms years after-the-fact, denying those in office from making reasonably informed decisions. Manafort also filed late...very late, just like the Podesta Group...yet, the DoJ accuses Manafort of lying on his, potentially benefiting a foreign entity.
    Listen closely to Tucker Carlson revealing the Podesta's also lied...ff 4:55 "at the time they filed (Podesta) they falsely claimed they were just a foreign NGO . . ."
    It has yet to be determined if the Podesta FARA's were examined for similar deceptions/excluded details which similarly qualify for indictment of the Podesta and their lobbying group - regardless of any new reorganized entity.

    *From June 28, 2017 LawFareBlog What’s Actually in the Manafort FARA Filing?

    Clearly, the Podesta's are feeling the heat given the sudden announcement of the dissolution of their lobbying business via Politico Quote: ===>"Podesta is handing over full operational and financial control to longtime firm CEO Kimberley Fritts, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the meeting. Fritts and a senior group of the Podesta team will be launching a new firm in the next one or two days. Sources said the transition has been in the works for the past several months."<===
    Also consider this:
    threatening letter from Podesta's VENABLE legal team addressed to FOXNews' Tucker Carlson demanding he retract/erase/drop the Podesta story.

    Tucker Carlson Tonight 10/30/2017

    PRICELESS: Hillary Clinton’s 2011 State Department hand-picked George Papadopoulos, who lied to Feds about Trump-Russia. LOL I’m sure Hillary and her campaign had no idea.
    Image reveals George was "Selected by the U.S. State Department as a top five finalist to represent the United States at the 2011 UNESCO Emerging Leaders Forum in Paris, France.

  5. Papadopoulos May Have Worked Undercover for Mueller to Build Evidence Against Fusion GPS, Not Trump
    In a twist that virtually no one was expecting, Papadopoulos may have been used to obtain sensitive evidence from Fusion GPS associates as part of his plea deal with the Justice Department, law enforcement sources said.

    According to law enforcement sources, Papadopoulos assisted U.S. Special Counsel Mueller’s investigators in securing evidence against associates of embattled research firm Fusion GPS.

    Exactly what Papadopoulos did is not being divulged. But it does appear he worked undercover for Mueller’s team and was able to produce key pieces of evidence related to Fusions GPS’ role in the 2016 presidential election.


    Quote from above screen cap: ===>"Alexis Papahelas goes so far as to speculate that, while "the records released so far do not contain documents confirming that the Papadopoulos group contacted the CIA for the U.S. 'green light,'" the absence of a documentary connection "does not mean that an irregular communication of this kind did no occur, given that Papadopoulos and others maintained irregular but close contact with Greek-Americans serving in key posts in the CIA Station in Athens at the time."<===
