
Friday, December 01, 2017

President Trump: Anti-Muslim Videos on Twitter Feed

From the Last English Prince:
Britain First is a smallish anti-Muslim group nestled within the United Kingdom and her vast citizen activism landscape. 
If there is a “cause” a citizen somewhere will champion it. This is the nature of our humanity and our choice of passion. 
When dreams and passions die it is reflective of our own physical decline. In my case, I hope to retain a passion for chocolate until my dying breath. But for the moment, more than a few citizens find themselves passionate regarding Islam and her impact on the West. 
The latter passion, has also been my dominant theme since 9/11. I will never suffer “death by chocolate”. But too many Westerners have suffered “death by Muslim tradition”. 
This must stop. The prior post with links reflects the political passions of those who are uncomfortable with discussing Islam and the juggernaut of political Islam across the West. 
Yet Islam should not be untouchable regarding core tenets, nor the discussion of what are the fatal flaws of a doctrine generated by a man who could neither read nor write. 
The first Surah uttered by Muhammad, a Surah which begins with the verb “Recite”, set the stage for a political tradition which was anchored in the words, actions (and inactions) of a solitary man; first written on pieces of bone by his companions; later transferred to papyrus; eventually codified in the standard Quereshi dialect; all other copies ordered burned; and an initial nine copies of the Qur’an placed in scholarly hands in non-circulatory status. 
From there, we had the Muhaddithun – men who ran about the region collecting vignettes regarding the remembrances of personal contact with Muhammad. Part of this dynamic was a fall-back mechanism after the “Apostasy Wars” (Ridda) as many of the Sahabah died defending their belief system. 
The Science of Ahadith is a vast and complex labyrinth regarding understanding the mechanics of both the grammar and chain of custody for this body of work. 
These works are also lock-and-key mechanisms for basic cryptology of Jihad organization messaging on line. 
If you mix ayat, ahadith, seerah, and one other element which I will not mention – the “code” will be unbreakable for some of our best software word nets. 
Basically, our Western lens and lack of understanding for the backdrop of some of the more troubling aggression of certain Muslims can cause us to recoil against those who take their best shot against Islam. 
But for The Last English Prince, we must allow these volleys, take them in stride and understand the nature of personal passion. Britain First is taking their “best shot”. And our POTUS – being clever – chose to highlight three brief videos from this group on his @realdonaldtrump Twitter feed. 
He could have chosen to use a video from, perhaps, Pamela Geller or Jihad Watch – the two best-known of a plethora of anti-Islam sites on our continent. Instead, he chose a video montage from one of our activist cousins across the Atlantic. 
Who benefits? That is always the first question I ask as a journalist. Who benefits when our POTUS places three obscure anti-Muslim videos on his feed? I like to think the English benefit. 
British PM May needs to listen to the concerns of the English people who cherish their own traditions. This gentle prodding is meant to generate the needed dialogue. 
Their concerns appear to fall on deaf ears. (Problematic with hearing deficits is that the individual may not know what is being said about them until it literally slaps them in the face.) We benefit. 
Americans need to hold up the mirror to Muslims who choose to join us. Is “this” who you really want to be in America? Do you want to behave aggressively, chop heads off statues depicting Virgin Mary, make a general fool of yourself in the name of your Lord? Essentially, a quick short burst of anti-Muslim videos on a Twitter feed is meant to do one thing. 
And this involves assimilation. Our POTUS wants Muslims in America to normalize their behavior. Walk away from the destructive elements of your belief system. Do embrace the good that you see. But the mirror is up on our President’s Twitter feed. Look at the reflection. 
And reflect on what it means to be a Muslim residing in the West. And the British Prime Minister? Listen to the concerns of your citizens regarding Islamic dominance over the English traditions which have served your people well for centuries. We elected a man who promised to listen to our concerns. Follow his lead.


  1. Pasto,

    Thank you for posting. Whilst our senseless MSM write of "hateful videos", the fact remains that there is a tremendous outpouring of hatred against the West within many Muslim regions. And the strength of belief that Allah and his followers must dominate the political landscape is showcased within the Twitter feeds of Muslim (dis)Believers in the Christian tenet of God's love for all humanity. Following such lines of thought must be done incrementally and with constant personal debriefing. It is like drinking poison. I have to wash it out.

    My current focus is Yemen. And what I am seeing in videos coming from that region make me hope that a ban against Yemeni migration to the USA will remain in force. We cannot afford to import this level of hostility.
