From Scott Adams:
President Trump has delivered on a number of promises for his base. But there was an impressive amount of breakage along the way. You might say he President Trump did as much demolition as he did construction. The press is doing a good job of telling us what he accomplished in 2017. But they keep leaving out all the stuff he broke that probably needed to be broken. I’ll fix that for you here.
GOP – Trump broke the GOP and reconstructed it along his terms, successfully it seems.
DNC – The DNC has no charismatic leader, no game plan, and little money.
Clinton Dynasty – Done
Bush Dynasty – Done
Mainstream Media – The public learned that news coverage is based on bias as much as fact.
NFL – Ratings down, attendance down.
FBI (leadership) – The FBI as a whole is still highly credible, but the leadership is not.
Pundits – Nearly all the pundits were wrong about Trump’s nomination, election, and successful (by Republican standards) first year.
Government Regulations – For good or bad, we have fewer regulations now.
Hollywood – Big stars are alienating 40% of their potential audience whenever they take time off from groping.
North Korea – They used to have a pathetic but functioning economy. That situation is changing rapidly.
ISIS – Remember ISIS? They used to be a big deal.
TPP – Pulled out
Paris Climate Accord – Pulled out
Reality – I told you in 2015 that candidate Trump would change more than politics. I told you he would change the way we saw reality. Do you remember when you thought the news reported facts and that humans used those facts to make reasoned decisions? You probably don’t think that anymore.
Exceptional synopsis/timeline exposing the Russia Narrative....TheConservativeTreehouse: The Russian Collusion Narrative Was, As FBI Agent Peter Strzok Explained: “An Insurance Policy”...
From The Hill:
New Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump is “being really dumb” by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia’s cyber activities.
“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.
“So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”
Sundance from TheConservativeTreehouse also fisks Maggie Habermans NYT George Papadopoulos *explosive story* on origin of Russia Probe. Read all 20 points exposed in this twitter feed ...
Mueller's conflict of interest. . .
Mueller's investments reveal collusion with Larry Summers' former Harvard professor and exclusive Wall Street Hedge Funds