
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Gucci's Latest Fashion Show: Hijabs and Severed Heads - Are They Trying To Tell Us Something?

And this:

For years the left had Commie Chic, which can still be seen today in the Che tees and the love for Mao.


White House Christmas Decor Featuring Mao Zedong Comes Under Fire

It should not come as a surprise that today that would translate into Jihad Chic, despite the fact that should any of these waif models fall into the hands of fervent followers of the "prophet", they would spend the day gang raping her, all the while telling her that she was a kafir whore who deserved it.

That is not my exaggeration. That is exactly what girls as young as 11 experienced in Telford and Rotherham at the hands of Muslims. 


Telford rape scandal isn’t unique: Grooming gangs are a UK epidemic

Britain’s ‘worst ever’ Muslim rape gang scandal exposed: Hundreds of young girls raped, beaten, sold for sex:


  1. For years the left had Commie Chic, which can still be seen today in the Che tees and the love for Mao.

    White House Christmas Decor Featuring Mao Zedong Comes Under Fire

    It should not come as a surprise that today that would translate into Jihad Chic, despite the fact that should any of these waif models fall into the hands of fervent followers of the "prophet", they would spend the day gang raping her, all the while telling her that she was a kafir whore who deserved it.

    That is not my exaggeration. That is exactly what girls as young as 11 experienced in Telford and Rotherham at the hands of Muslims.


    Telford rape scandal isn’t unique: Grooming gangs are a UK epidemic

    Britain’s ‘worst ever’ Muslim rape gang scandal exposed: Hundreds of young girls raped, beaten, sold for sex:

    -- theBuckWheat
