
Saturday, April 07, 2018

The UK Leads The World In Common Sense Knife Control

For thousands of years, men have had knives.

But now that we've flooded the Western world with Muslims, suddenly we can't trust our society with knives. 

Just another one of the little inconveniences we put up with for the pleasure of having all these Moderate Muslims as our friends and neighbors.


  1. When a man picks up a knife, there's an old memory from the collective unconscious that surfaces. A knife is an atavistic experience. It was man's first tool and weapon. Man was chipping flint into cutting edges before he invented the wheel. No matter how sophisticated we become, a knife takes us back to the cave. - Bob Loveless

    Rabid as I am about guns and the Second Amendment my love of all things sharp and pointy is exponentially worse. I usually have four or five or more about my person. Friends bring them to me when they're no longer sharp and pointy to make them so again. My pay is usually in the form of venison & such. No one has ever asked me to teach them how to sharpen it themselves (except my son-in-law) which I find odd.

    This U.K. lunacy has been going on for some time with knives and this is another step to a total ban on them. Which is a shame because at one time Sheffield was putting out really fantastic pieces. The 6 blade congress knife Lincoln favored and was carrying the night he was assassinated was made in Sheffield.

  2. It's easy enough to break a glass bottle or a pane of glass and fashion them into a knife of sorts.

    I guess that banning glass bottles will be next.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have to say this is getting entertaining. Like a mental game of limbo. How low can they go in intelligent decision making.
    I can't wait until they get to rocks and sharp sticks.

    I was there in 1990 and many thought England would take the US back under its control. LOL
