
Saturday, May 05, 2018

When Kanye West Says "Slavery is a Choice", He's Saying "Stop Choosing to Be a Victim of Something That Didn't Happen to You"

This interview with Kanye is interesting and inscrutable. I understand his thought processes, because I have been a lot like this at times in my life. I am an artist also. I understand the idea of plugging into an infinite flow, and feeling as if one is a channel.

I get it. But to speak like that to the public, well, you sound like you're insane.

Ultimately, Kanye can not be counted on to articulate his ideas in a reasonable manner. And because this is true of him, we can not even count on him to be consistent. His ideas may change from one year to the next. Still, he is stirring up a lot of shit, and with that shit there are a lot of people trying on new thought processes.

This is a phenomenon of the Cultural Zeitgeist. The public is dissatisfied with the way things are, and they are open to rejecting the status quo, and taking in new ideas. This phenomenon is cloudy and mystical in nature, but it is going to channel into reasonable thought processes for some people as time goes by, and it is going to change the way some people think.


  1. When Kanye West Says "Slavery is a Choice", He's Saying "Stop Choosing to Be a Victim of Something That Didn't Happen to You"

    I knew that when I first heard his comments -- particularly in context.

    I wish that Kanye West could speak more precisely so that more people would "get it"!

  2. He's a pretty awful speaker. Very confusing.
