
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Jen Rubin: Let's Speed the Replacement of Grungy Old US Citizens With Factory-Fresh Latin Imports

Title from Ace of Spades:

This prolonged Liberal faking of multi-orgasmic seizures of sanctimony is the most pathetic thing i have witnessed since the summer the poor, poor little Islamic child washed up on the beach after his father floated him off a floppy boat to his birthright Europe.

Liberals would force us all to march into Mordor chanting "Let's do it for the children," even as the flames and the stench curl up and leave us gasping for our very last breath.

It should not take a genius to wake up from their siren song of speciousness, and realize America has a right to determine it's borders ... FULL STOP.

There is nothing more to it.


  1. She can solve her own problem. She need only move to central America.

  2. One of the cable networks gave a "warning" before letting viewers listen to a ( screen blacked out-audio only) of children crying because they were being separated from their mothers.

    I listened to two children cry throughout the afternoon on Father's Day with their mother present in the room, and a child cry in the seat behind me while flying back into Dallas. The little tyke was on his mother's lap.

    The issue is not crying children or children separated from parents (in temporary manner). The issue is an American cultural acceptance for human trafficking in children - which then leads to greater societal ills. The children are being trafficked - because parents can also be involved in committing this heinous crime, which essentially makes their children unwitting accomplices in crime: the crime of breaking our laws and thumbing the nose at due process.

    I have no sympathy. Zero. Nada. Our laws must be enforced.

  3. AOW, I certainly do remember that post.
