
Tuesday, July 03, 2018


In the wake of the recent arrest of the son of Allah who wanted to blow up Americans during a 4th of July fireworks show, it's time for a re-post of the following:


  1. People need to educate themselves about how it was the hordes of Islam that really destroyed Classical civilization, not the myths about "northern barbarians" we've been told. Just finishing up Scott's excellent "Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited" and expect Spencer's upcoming "The History of Jihad" will expand greatly on this crucial subject.

  2. RRA,
    People need to educate themselves about how it was the hordes of Islam that really destroyed Classical civilization, not the myths about "northern barbarians" we've been told.


    I, too, have pre-ordered Spencer's upcoming book. I want "more ammunition" for my arguments with the wingnuts here in the D.C. area.

    PS: Thanks for stopping by, RRA.
