
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Anyone Who Is EVER Tempted to Believe Drudge Is a Conservative Should Contemplate The Fact That He Promotes Kamala Harris All The Fucking Time

He constantly posts glamorous photographs of her and promotes her manufactured ascendency.

Fuck Matt Drudge.

Matt Drudge also used to promote every fucking Harvey Weinstein release ad fucking nauseum. Matt Drudge is about as scummy as they come.


  1. He's all doom and gloom anymore. I deleted him from my links. Can't stand him, either.

  2. Yes. One thing Drudge is really good at is presenting the world as if every day is the Apocalypse.

  3. I think every move this ratchet makes
    should be reported on. You know she's going to be highly favored in the Dems
    Pres nominee picks.
