
Friday, August 17, 2018

Black Support for Donald Trump Now 36 Percent

From Rasmussen:
Even as cable news networks debate reports of the existence of a recording of President Donald Trump using a racial slur, a new poll from Rasmussen Reports says that the president's approval rating among African-Americans is at 36 percent, nearly double his support at this time last year. 
"Today's @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 36%," Rasmussen said in a tweet. "This day last year: 19%." 
That is a staggeringly high number for a man who only won 8 percent of the African-American vote in 2016.


  1. Farrakhan the Fraud
    Response to 'The Rise of Black Anti-Semitism' from the June issue

    James Kirchick correctly portrays Louis Farrakhan as perhaps the most popular and dangerous anti-Semite in America (“The Rise of Black Anti-Semitism,” June). While neo-Nazis and white supremacists drummed up a few hundred people at their “national” rally in Charlottesville, Farrakhan’s recent rant in Chicago excited an adoring crowd more than three times that size.

    Unlike what happens at alt-right rallies, no toughs will ever shut down a Farrakhan event. And unlike other anti-Semites, Farrakhan has open sympathizers in positions of power—especially inside the black community and on the left. What Louis Farrakhan says about Jews will only reach more and more people.

    It may seem difficult for Jews to press liberal and black activists to renounce the Nation of Islam leader given the widely held belief that, his offensive views aside, Farrakhan is a legitimate leader of an oppressed people who gives voice to black liberation and black pride.

    That is why it is important to understand precisely how this is untrue: Farrakhan has covered up and sought to deny the enslavement of Africans by Arabs and Muslims. He has been and continues to be an obstacle to their liberation.

    (read the rest at the link)

  2. Sounds great but I will believe it when I see it at the voting booth. Also, not likely to transfer to GOP in general. At least not in November. May result in some % of AA vote staying home but never mind: Dem ops will cast their votes for them.

    Prediction: highest level voter fraud in US history this election.

  3. This totally amazing for a Republican president to have so much black community spoor t.

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