
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Bruce Ohr Testifies FBI Knew His Wife Worked For Fusion GPS But Failed to Disclose That Info to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)

Twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr arrived at Capitol Hill Tuesday morning for a closed-door grilling from House Oversight and House Judiciary members over his contacts with dossier author Christopher Steele. 
GOP lawmakers said Tuesday afternoon that Bruce Ohr was being cooperative and answering questions at the closed-door deposition. 
‘Ohr is not refusing to answer questions,’ Congressman Meadows said to reporters. 
The former Associate Deputy Attorney General told Congress the FBI knew his wife, Nellie Ohr worked for oppo research firm Fusion GPS yet failed to disclose that information to the FISC [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court]. 
Nellie Ohr also previously worked for the CIA and was a corrupt Communist sympathizer who spoke fluent Russian–both important pieces of information the fake news media glosses over. 
Ohr also said in his testimony that the FBI knew about Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump bias yet kept that information from the FISA judges as well.

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