
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Indonesia: Woman Arrested for Blasphemy Because She Complained About Volume of Mosque's Loudspeakers

Indonesian prosecutors have demanded an 18-month prison term for a woman who was charged with blasphemy after she complained about the volume of a mosque’s loudspeakers. 
The ethnic Chinese defendant, Meiliana, 44, was arrested on May 18, about two years after her case triggered a riot in Tanjung Balai, a port town in North Sumatra province. 
A spokesman at the local prosecutor’s office, Sumanggar Siagian, said Tuesday the sentencing demand for Meiliana was made at the District Court in Medan, the province’s capital, on Monday. 
Prosecutors said the defendant had violated Indonesia’s criminal code by committing blasphemy against Islam, the dominant faith in Indonesia.

Vlad Tepes Blog comments that the "moderate" Indonesia is on a steady course to maximum Sharia adherence. At this point, such "blasphemy" is not yet punishable by murder, but given the trajectory, it soon will be.

Vlad then compares this trajectory to what has similarly happened in England:
In England not that long ago, muslims gained the rational right to bring halal food to school with them. Then, they demanded that halal food be available at schools.  
Then pork could not be available at schools, even though its a British staple. 
Then all food at schools had to be halal so that muslim kids could not be “poisoned” with non halal. You know, like peanut butter in case kids trade food with someone fatally allergic. 
Then, kids started getting sent home if they brought non-halal food with them to school. 
(I cannot find the link about the child who was sent home from school for bringing a non-halal lunch to a public school, but this will do for the moment).
Food for thought, huh?

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