
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Weekly Rate of Acid Attacks in UK Hits Staggering Numbers, Khan's London Hardest Hit

Weekly Rate of Acid Attacks in UK Hits Staggering Numbers, Khan's London Hardest Hit
New police figures reveal that the U.K. is averaging at least 15 barbaric acid attacks a week. The figures, first reported by The Mirror, show a total of 2,602 reported attacks from January 2015 to May of this year, averaging out to 15 per week. In comparison, there were only 100 total attacks reported from 2007 to 2011. Stunningly, nearly 75% of such attacks have been carried out in London, a city often praised by the Left for its multiculturalism and tolerance.
Third World Country.


  1. Ah, the joy of having Moslems in the midst! Pfffft.

  2. Just another one of the minor inconveniences we put up with for the pleasure of having all the Moderate Muslims as our friends and neighbors.
