
Monday, September 03, 2018

Islam, Cellular Automata and the Game of Life: IV

Beautiful Losers

From The Last English Prince:

Enlightenment is the Midwife of Survival

The Last English Prince has deep appreciation and admiration for the work of Immanuel Kant.  Taken from the link above:
“What is enlightenment? In a 1784 essay with that question as its title, Immanuel Kant answered that it consists of “humankind’s emergence from its self-incurred immaturity,” its “lazy and cowardly” submission to the “dogmas and formulas” of religious or political authority. Enlightenment’s motto, he proclaimed, is “Dare to understand!” and its foundational demand is freedom of thought and speech.”
Islam darkens the corners of the human mind.
Because we are blessed, because our personal safety and property are secured by the very liberties we embrace, mainstream media prefers not to focus on the dire conditions and peril inflicted on non-Muslims by their “neighbors” in Muslim-majority regions.
It is not meant to be big news.  No story here:
The Muslim Fulani herdsmen may not be Islamic scholars. But precedence exists for their behavior.
The story of Abu ‘Amer – a Christian monk – his flight to Syria hoping to enlist the Byzantines in a fight against a strengthening Islamic State – and his communications with individuals in Medina willing to build a faux mosque as a “hiding place” for him – is the stuff of Islamic history. Abu ‘Amer died before his plan could materialize but the mosque was built.  Commander-in-Chief Muhammad figured it out. And he ordered the mosque set on fire and razed to the ground.
The mosque gained the kunya (nickname) Masjid Dirar, or Mosque of Injury.
Within the Qur’an, single ayat tell the broader story of the conquests of Islam.  The ayat related to the story above can be found here:
I like to think that Abu ‘Amer might have actually been the father of a future American. He certainly understood the peril presented by Islamic dogma.
Take a moment and reflect.  Close your eyes.  Imagine individuals surrounding your home and setting it ablaze.  Imagine your wife and children present.
Now take a moment.  Pray for Christians living within Muslim-majority nations.
Nigeria seeks to enforce Islam by the sword through killing and displacement of entire villages in which Christians reside.
What is happening is deliberate.
Count to fourteen. Knock 14 members off your family tree:


  1. It is not recommended that readership click on the link above. Beyond a basic vulgarity, the site had the look of containing a nasty virus.

    Pasto, may I suggest it be taken down for reasons of computer hygiene?

  2. The whole post, or just one of the links?

    You gotta be specific.

  3. The meanmemes blogspot - I clicked on it and it has the look of a virus-laden trojan. Feel free to click on it, but I wish now I had used a TOR browser (which I have installed) or some other incarnation of an onion router such as:

