
Friday, November 23, 2018

CRISPR: Will DNA "Editing" Alter The Fate of Mankind?

So they can mess with DNA but can't alter mutated DNA (Cancer)?


  1. It is plausible that the Mark of the Beast will alter DNA rendering those who take it something less than human. It would not be the first time Satan altered humanity's DNA. See Genesis, pre flood. Fallen angels had offspring with human females. The resultant offspring were Giants and were destroyed in the Flood.

  2. Yep. The Nephilim.

    Everything old is new again.

  3. Having offered up my DNA to the Navy (not regrettable) I am amazed at the huge push of Ancestry, etc.

    The government cannot ask for your DNA. Yet we give it willingly.

    Big question: If there is no sign off on research, is DNA being used for research without accountability to the host who has offered it up?

    I am very Judaic regarding the right to one's person as private property - holy, sanctified to the Lord.
