
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Trump May Replace Kirstjen Nielsen With a Tough-on-Crime Border-Enforcer Who Once Called for Sanctuary Cities Officials to be Charged With Crimes

Thomas Homan: 
"I Fuck Up Illegals 
Like John Holmes Bangin' a Midget"

He once served as the acting head of ICE:
Tapping Homan to run the Department of Homeland Security would almost certainly energize Trump’s base. The tough-talking lawman once recommended charging so-called sanctuary city politicians "with crimes" and has pugnaciously defended even Trump's most controversial immigration moves, including separating children from their parents at the border. 
"Trump wants John Wayne on the border and Tom Homan is John Wayne," said a former Homeland Security official, who cited Homan’s frequent, and often fiery appearances on cable news as a part of his resume that Trump would especially like.


  1. LGBT asylum seekers are first to reach the U.S. border from the caravan.

  2. Of course.

    Because this is a leftist-manufactured publicity event. Totally funded and stage-managed by the Government-Media/Academia Complex.
