
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Trump Turns Over The Tables of the Moneychangers

J.J. Sefton:
The big story of course was yesterday's "meeting" between the President and Cuck Schemer and Nancy Palsi. It is incredible to me that after all this time, in spite of everything that we have witnessed over the past three years that these people can be so smug, self-absorbed and deluded into believing the propaganda that they are dealing with some sort of moron. 
Did they not remember the meeting on gun control where the President totally owned Feinstein, Durbin and all the others with the cameras rolling for all of America to see last January? 
To be fair, that performance was a more subtle rope-a-dope affair but it had the same effect; exposing the Democrats for the totalitarian jagoffs that we know them to be. This time, expecting the President to just roll over and surrender on the signature agenda item that got him elected - border security and its physical manifestation of the wall - he turned the tables and more or less forced them to admit that as a matter of policy, they and their party are against secure borders. 
If you watch footage, their body language speaks volumes. No amount of blathering from either of them could disguise the fact that they were both rhetorically pantsed on national television. And the cherry on top was Palsi spewing loudly about how she and the Democrat House are going to be totally transparent, unlike the Republicans, and then within a nano-second she insisted that the TV cameras be turned off and removed from the room. Brilliant. 
A few observations on this: 
First, anyone who has any doubts whatsoever on this President and his steadfastness, sincerity and commitment to the American people should be disabused of that notion here and now. 
Second, this is not just politics for Trump. I believe that he believes that national sovereignty and secure borders are essential for the survival and prosperity of this nation.  
Third, this guy is a fighter. By him rejecting the standard political model of Republican/conservative evil and Democrat/Leftist good and throwing their bullshit, hypocrisy and insanity right in their faces - Queens accent and all - is the equivalent of upending the tables of the moneychangers in the temple and setting a new paradigm for future politicians on our side to do the same (please G-d).


  1. I never thought that a president would come along who I admire more than Ronald Reagan.
    In just two years this man has proven himself to be not just an exceptional man, but an exceptional patriot.
