
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Defense Dept. IG Reveals the Pentagon Let $27.7 Billion "Expire" As Trump Seeks $5.7 Billion In Border Wall Funding

Defense Dept. IG Reveals the Pentagon Let $27.7 Billion "Expire" As Trump Seeks $5.7 Billion In Border Wall Funding
The Defense Department has relinquished over $27 billion to the U.S. Treasury since 2013 simply because it couldn’t spend the money quick enough, according to a DOD Inspector General report released Tuesday. 
The DOD was required to fork over the “expired funds” because the Pentagon failed to spend it “within the legal timeframes,” according to the report.


  1. $27 Billion should be enough to build the wall. We can assume the Pentagon will have the same problem this year as I do not believe their budget was reduced from last year.

  2. I used to sell advertising to the Military. I remember them calling at the end of the year, desperate to spend their money.
