
Sunday, January 27, 2019

FLASHBACK: Democrats Supported and Paid for Border Wall on Mexican Border …With Guatemala!

The shocker is that Democrats have supported a wall on the Mexican border – with Guatemala. The Democrats in 2016 stated how proud they were to send more than $750 million to our southern friends for God knows what.  
A contingent of Congressmen and women, including Speaker Pelosi, visited with the Mexican President and stated [emphasis added] – …this last Congress, in December, we appropriated $750 [million] to help the Northern Triangle countries. 
Some are going to say to make sure it goes out as fast as possible, but it’s $750 million dollars to address the issues – the core issues that we have. 
In the past, we also have appropriated money to help Mexico secure its southern border with Guatemala. And again, I think, the message here is we have got to look at it as a regional perspective. 
We also have been to Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, even Costa Rica with the Cubanos that are coming in largely through Laredo. So what we’re doing is – we want to look at this as a regional approach, work with Mexico and Central America to address these security issues and migration issues.”


  1. Is that Beto O'Rourke in the picture too? Yowsa? Anyone else want to confirm or deny?

  2. Hmm. I didn't notice that. It sure does look like him.
