
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Humpday Blues

Samantha Fish, Victoria Smith, Dani Wilde


  1. OT;
    I’m in the process of watching a fascinating documentary series via Prime-on-demand about The First World War which provides surprising and unnerving insight into current events.

    This series is available on YouTube and references to the following commentary are directly linked to video segments .

    This ten-part 2003 series is called “The First World War” detailing the comprehensive story of the First World War & featuring excerpts written by Winston Churchill, Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen), Georges Clemenceu, David Lloyed George, Siegfried Sassoon and Rudolf Hess.
    My initial interest in this series was a result of the absence of any reading or familiarity with that period in history - and the very first episode proved worth the investment in time.
    I was unaware of the degree Islam played a role ...although it’s influence wasn’t as obvious at first glance.
    For instance, in the first episode, we are introduced to the demographic dynamic in Europe in which Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian-Serb assassinated the Arch Duke and his wife in 1914.
    What this documentary clarifies is his motivation.
    ===>The year before this fateful turn, control of Bosnia had been wrested from the Turks by the Austro-Hungarians, the enemy Princip wanted to destroy. <===

    The First World War : To Arms (1 of 4)

    When one considers the fact that Princip was raised in an environment controlled/influenced by the defeated Turks, it’s not much of a stretch to suggest where his loyalties lay.
    ----------------to be continued

  2. continued:

    Later in the series, Germany’s empire building ambitions are revealed in this tidbit:

    The First World War : Global War (1 of 4)
    Germany alarmed the world with her imperial tub-thumping – she eyed up Puerto Rico and considered pouncing on the Panama Canal the minute it was completed but the boldest of all the Kaiser’s schemes
    was “Operational Plan Three”
    ===>Eberhard von Mantey (war planner, German Admiralty Staff): “The east coast is the heart of the United States and this is where she is most vulnerable. New York will panic at the prospect of bombardment.
    By hitting her here we can force America to negotiate."
    Germany’s secret plans from 1903 to attack the eastern seaboard with 60 ships and a hundred thousand men to shell Manhattan and capture Boston. The outlandish scheme was driven by the Kaiser’s resentment of America’s growing power in the Pacific.
    He believed in a militarist state and increasingly hated what the West stood for.

    ===>“Service to Mammon, greed, self-indulgence, land-grabbing, neigh, treachery, and not least murder.” –the Kaiser<===
    The Kaiser thought capitalism was vulnerable , that a strong enough attack on its international systems of trade,
    credit and insurance could bring the edifice tumbling down.
    Operational Plan Three was dropped but not the hostility towards capitalist empires.
    Was Operational Plan Three actually dropped or reserved for some later time? Merkel’s efforts appear to suggest otherwise considering this clip from another chapter in this video documentary series:
    The First World War : Jihad (4 of 4)
    ===>Field Marshal von der Goltz died of typhus just before the Turkish victory at Kut, but it was in line with
    something he wrote — an unusually modern and prophetic view.
    “For me, the present war is only the beginning of a long, historical development at whose end will stand the defeat of England’s world position.
    The hallmark of the 20th century must be the revolution of the colored races against the colonial imperialism.
