
Monday, January 07, 2019

Mask Dropped...

...Or something.

[photo credit]
Rick Wilson, an alleged Republican political strategist, is a nasty piece of work — and a particularly nasty NeverTrumper.

Get a load of this from Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever, the book that Wilson recently wrote:
…Wilson attacks Reince Priebus, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz and Mike Pence, and he says Newt Gingrich “started twerking [for Trump] faster than a five-buck stripper.” Such sexualized put-downs abound in Wilson’s book. White House adviser Stephen Miller “needs to spend a week getting laid.” Wilson finds Trump campaign adviser Carter Page “reeking of late-stage virginity.” And the white-nationalist altGOP-right movement is a bunch of “pudgy white boys from lower-middle-class suburbs who couldn’t find a woman’s clitoris with a GPS and a magnifying glass.”…
And recently: GOP Strategist Insults ‘Rube, Ten-Tooth’ Trump Voters Who Support A Border Wall.

Charming, huh?

We live in the Age of Civility. **heavy sarcasm**

Oh, the disdain in which the GOPe (elites) hold President Trump! Why? Because he's not one of them.


  1. The man doesn't use any words that cannot be found in a middle school boy's locker room.

    Not impressed with his vocabulary skills.

    What is the real reason he is angry? Hmmm

  2. He's angry because Trump took the GOP out from under him.

    I explicitly warned one of his friends on October 12, 2015, that such a thing was about to happen. I was basically told, "You don't know what you're talking about."

    Ah! The arrogance of the Never Trumpers!
