
Monday, January 14, 2019

Pastor Who Praised Pulse Nightclub Gunman Resigns After Allegedly Paying for Sex

A Baptist minister in Texas who came to national attention in 2016 when he praised the gunman who killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., resigned from his ministry last week after allegedly using drugs, gambling and paying for sex with prostitutes. 
Donnie Romero, who founded the Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth in 2014, told congregants at a church meeting on Jan. 2 that he had not “been ruling my house well.” 
“I have been a terrible husband and father,” Mr. Romero said, according to video of the meeting that was posted to the church’s official YouTube channel. “This is the best decision — for my family and this church — to make.” 
Mr. Romero did not elaborate on his alleged impropriety at that meeting, which was largely run by another pastor, Steven L. Anderson. Mr. Anderson told congregants that “the lord says” Mr. Romero was “disqualified” to lead them. 
Later, in a video he posted to YouTube, Mr. Anderson expanded on what he called the pastor’s “major sins.” 
“Basically, the major sin involved was being with prostitutes, and then there were also marijuana and gambling that were also discovered,” Mr. Anderson said.

Maybe he should just convert to Islam and get it over with. That way, he can call for the murder of gays, and no one will complain. He can fuck non-Muslim women, and it will be considered the spoils of Jihad, and therefore, not a sin. He was smoke kif all day. Basically, he can do whatever the fuck he wants to non-Muslims.

Sounds like that's what this guy wants anyway.

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