
Friday, January 18, 2019

Rep. Ilhan Omar Will Sit On Foreign Affairs, Education And Labor Committees

The Demoncratic Party is scum:
The announcement was made on Wednesday night by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, just days after Omar was named to the Education and Labor Committee. 
“As someone who has seen firsthand the havoc wreaked by war, I am proud to serve on the committee that is responsible for overseeing our country’s— and this President’s—actions abroad,” Omar said. 
“This couldn’t come at a more critical time. We need to use the committee’s human rights jurisdiction to hold the President accountable for deaths in detention centers on his watch.”
Who does she work for?

Her first concern seems to be that America finds it necessary to use it's military power around the world.

Apparently, according to Ilhan Omar, that should not be.

And by the way, what the fuck is she worried about Trump for? Obama and Bush were the military madmen.

Trump wants to get us out of shit.

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