
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

CAIR Calls for Advertisers to Drop Fox News Unless Jeanine Pirro, Tucker Carlson Are Fired

The Council on American-Islamic Relations is calling on all advertisers to drop Fox News until the network fires hosts Jeanine Pirro and Tucker Carlson due to comments by both hosts that the civil rights group called “Islamophobic.” 
“Fox News must clearly state that Jeanine Pirro will not be allowed back on the air after her long history of Islamophobic hate rhetoric and the network must also take similar action against other Islamophobic hosts like Tucker Carlson,” CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said in a statement. “All existing advertisers should drop their ads on Fox News to ensure that they are not associated with the promotion of hate.”

The BuckWheat comments:
"Islamophobia" ?? Islam is not a race. 
People who have eyes to see and ears to hear are fully aware of how hostile Islam is to the west in general and the US in particular. 
I would offer that anyone who wants to come here and assimilate is welcome, but by its very nature and theology, Islam only seeks to conquer and subdue. Since it is contrary to the Koran and Hadith to "assimilate" into any non-Muslim society, Muslims who come here either are apostate or they are colonizers. 
The history of such people in other societies is long and constant: when Muslims reach about 5% they start to make demands and to attempt to exert control. So, if some woke progressives want to accuse me of "islamophobia", I will accuse them of being dangerous idiots. 
I am willing to learn lessons from the mistakes of others. We are seeing Europe making huge mistakes right before our very eyes. Already the English people are a minority in their own capital city. Already the most popular name given to newborn boys in England is Mohammed or variations thereof. 
Wake up before it it too late! 


  1. CAIR does not even speak for the vast majority of American Muslims. Good grief. Why do they even have a platform?

  2. For the same reason people like Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson have had platforms. Because the Leftist media is bent on using Gramscian strategy to destroy our nation.

  3. "Islamophobia" ?? Islam is not a race. People who have eyes to see and ears to hear are fully aware of how hostile Islam is to the west in general and the US in particular.

    I would offer that anyone who wants to come here and assimilate is welcome, but by its very nature and theology, Islam only seeks to conquer and subdue. Since it is contrary to the Koran and Hadith to "assimilate" into any non-Muslim society, Muslims who come here either are apostate or they are colonizers. The history of such people in other societies is long and constant: when Muslims reach about 5% they start to make demands and to attempt to exert control.

    So, if some woke progressives want to accuse me of "islamophobia", I will accuse them of being dangerous idiots. I am willing to learn lessons from the mistakes of others. We are seeing Europe making huge mistakes right before our very eyes. Already the English people are a minority in their own capital city. Already the most popular name given to newborn boys in England is Mohammed or variations thereof. Wake up before it it too late!

    -- theBuckWheat

  4. The reason I mentioned Muslim apostates is to highlight a problem for western societies that allow Muslims to immigrate and who think they will become citizens like anyone from any other culture. The Egyptian Sayyid Qutb was murdered by his government because, as one of the ideological opinion leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, he was particularly adept at getting the attention of slacker Muslims. When he did, he was able to turn many around, to call them to become totally observant Muslims. And when they became totally observant, they became dangerous to the rest of society.

    Qutb wrote a number of books. One should be read by every literate westerner. That is Milestones. (PDF: In it Qutb calls the west morally deficient and calls on the world to look to Islam for the moral and spiritual answers. But most of all he calls all Muslims back to Islam.

    We see in a number of jihad attacks in the west that apostate Muslims sought to redeem themselves and their sinful lives by going out in a blaze of glory. Islam grants a special place in heaven and grants expedited and beneficial judgement to people who bring death to infidels and who die in the process. The danger to our society is that every aposte Muslim is a potential time bomb, that when they heed the call of the local imam or some future Qutb, some voice that wakes them up, that they come to thinking that they can escape going to hell and can get a special place in heaven should they kill enough infidels. And our society if full of infidels.

    It has already happened: "49 killed in shooting at Florida nightclub in possible act of Islamic terror" Remember that? Not the first, and certainly not going to be the last.

    Western secular society has no counterbalance against a virulent and aggressive religion that is hell-bent on conquest and power. The west did have a counterbalance, but we have largely turned our back on Him. The god of woke progressives will not save us. That is why progressives make common cause with Islam. At its core this is a spiritual war. It can only be addressed and understood on that basis.

    -- theBuckWheat

  5. Buckwheat,

    I have read "Milestones" and sat in the presence of Muslim Brotherhood members (several at a time, and one-on-one with various members) who pray al-Fatiha 17 times a day.

    Qutb strongly states that three Muslims constitute a community. Three is the seedstock.
    "Milestones" is tough reading for the uninitiated. Qutb's tafseer (Qur'anic exegesis) is an astounding piece of literature regarding wordcrafting and command of language - albeit I do not drink the Kool-Aid.
