
Saturday, March 02, 2019

‘Communist fever dream of death’: Pediatrician details the future Dems want in absolutely chilling thread


1 comment:

  1. Obamacare destroyed healthcare as we know it on many fronts. Breadwinners were reduced to working two part time jobs that did not provide for benefits (companies did not want to pay for Obamacare). Hospitals built huge free-standing emergency departments and enlarged the footprint of their existing space to accommodate a large flow of new clients.

    For many Americans, it felt like winning PowerBall. Hey! I don't have insurance and never intend to get it but now the hospital will care for me for free! Other Americans required free care because they could not afford insurance rates as an out of pocket expense.

    * My hospital discovered leaflets in Mexico City that advised Mexican nationals that if they could make it to our city, our hospital would care for them for free! Yep. We do. Every single day.

    Brick and mortar facilities require maintenance, and yes, staff must be paid. Physicians DESERVE their paychecks. I work with surgeons who work grueling hours without a complaint.

    So how are we all going to receive "Free" healthcare? Communism of course. The government owns it all - including your free will.
