
Thursday, March 07, 2019

The Brains Behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

From Target Liberty:
I have previously posted that the socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been using, in a very skilful manner, Leninist type tactics to advance her socialist cause. 
Those attacking her for being ignorant, simple, etc. miss the point. She knows nothing about economics or doesn't care. Her game is completely about politics and the power game. 
To understand this, you need to understand how she entered the race that allowed her to capture New York's 14th congressional district seat. 
The short answer is she entered a contest or to be more precise her brother entered her name. The contest was run by a group called Justice Democrats to determine who they would support in the 2018 mid-term elections. 
Justice Democrats identifies as a progressive group (read: "democratic socialist" group). They don't know anything about economics or how the structures of societies work and what must occur in different structures, but they are very savvy about political activism and politics. 
Here is a recruiting video they are now using. It is AOC and the leadership of Justice Democrats, "AOC's brains," explaining how they operate. To understand what is going on now in politics you must view this video. Pay particular attention to the guy in the green T-shirt.
The guy in the green T-shirt is Saikat Chakrabarti a co-founder of Justice Democrats. He graduated from Harvard's John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He spent about 10 years in Silicon Valley where he co-founded Mockingbird (hmm Mockingbird), a web design tool, and then built up the product team at the payment processor Stripe. 
He then left to work on the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign as director for organizing technology. 
It is believed that most of Sanders' momentum during the 2016 campaign occurred after Chakrabarti started launching social media campaigns. It should be remembered that in early 2015, Clinton held a 60-point lead over Sanders. Then Bernie pretty much closed the entire gap.

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