
Saturday, March 16, 2019

The West's Political Class — Determined To Ignore The Will Of The People

Two snippets from Brexit, Trump’s wall, and the cynical inertia of the political class: In our democracies, politicians won’t do what people want:
...More people in the UK voted for Brexit — some 17 million — than have voted for anything at any time in the country’s history....
...Back by the Rio Grande, the people most affected are desperate for the wall to be built and for our immigration laws to be enforced. After pursuing other avenues and having been stymied, President Trump finally declared a national emergency to siphon funds from elsewhere to build the wall. The caterwauling over that would have been comical had it not been so obviously cynical. Between 2001 and 2013, various presidents have declared national emergencies 18 times and have diverted funds without Congressional appropriate to various projects. It’s different this time because it’s Trump....
Read the rest HERE.

So, what are WE THE PEOPLE supposed to be when we are regarded as peasants beyond the moat, peasants who, according to the oligarchy of all political parties, are incapable of understanding what we want for today and for our future?

I submit that we in the West are at a turning point: it's now or never for the future of our nations as representative governments.


  1. Always-On-Watch, it's clear that you don't revere your betters in Washington DC, who know what's best for you. You don't have much love for Big Brother.

    As the US Army said to the Indians a long time ago, the Great White Father will look out for you.

    If you want to see socialism at work, go to an Indian reservation (one without a casino or an oil well) and you'll see how it all works. It's a more graphic example than the VA.

  2. LL,
    it's clear that you don't revere your betters in Washington DC, who know what's best for you.

    I don't! I hold them in disdain.

  3. I believe we have passed the turning point. That was the 2018 election. Trump 2016 could have signaled a turn in the national tide but 2018 proved the people of this nation, in large part, really don't care. The USA as we have known it won't make it to 2022.
