
Saturday, May 18, 2019

LIGHTS OUT: Australia Bans Jihad Watch, Vlad Tepes, Blazing Cat Fur, and THE WHITE HOUSE

I just got word that all of, Jihadwatch, and Blazing Catfur cannot be accessed in Australia. 
Neither can the White House site to gather info on people who have been deplatformed. 
This is one dark dark day for Western thought and democracy. 
Australia should be treated with contempt, defiance and shame.

They have probably also banned IBA, but I wouldn't have a way of knowing.

All the things that have happened to other sites started happening to IBA several years back. We have been banned by major hotel chains, by major theme parks, by businesses, City, County, and State governments, by entire nations. We have been deplatformed by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites.

I just never bothered to complain about it. I don't know why.

I guess because I just expected it.


THUNDER DOWN UNDER: Far Left Labour Party SUFFERS SHOCKING LOSS in Australia After Holding Several Point Lead in Polls


  1. I recall reading about the Saudi's, UAE, Qatar interests in OIC's investment in tackling their growing concerns about global "Islamophobia". It appears those investments are paying dividends.

    Organization of Islamic Cooperation urges UN to declare “Islamophobia” a form of racism
    MAR 24, 2019 12:00 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    FBI takes on “Islamophobia”
    FEB 1, 2018 7:29 AM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    Sept 24, 2010 OIC "Islamophobia Observatory"

    however, the following link suggests the tenth anniversary of the "observatory report on islamophobia" took place in 2017

  2. Wonder if this is a direct reaction to suggestions Trump was about to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Group:
    I’ve compiled special report about Muslim Brotherhood based on my extensive research for the past 6 years, this notorious mafia ☠️ is incubator of radical terrorists including ISIS and Al-Qaeda 💣 and should be designated FTO immediately

    Reminder: Brookings is essentially a wholly owned subsidiary of the nation of Qatar, which supports the Muslim Brotherhood. Anyone who works for Brookings is not allowed to even criticize Qatar or its foreign policy, which boosts MB/Islamist insurgencies.

  3. We need to build our own thing y’all.

    These fascists cannot be reasoned with.

    Candace is vital to our movement and these un-American bastards know it

    ===>An internal memo from @facebook has leaked. They are offering “extra credit” to employees that can figure out how to segregate me from their platform.
    To the brave employee who leaked this— thank you.
    To lawyers that follow me— is this legal?
    I am taking this very seriously.
