
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tommy Robinson’s view: What really happened at the Muslim riot in Oldham

The Rebel media posted an excellent synopsis of the Oldham attacks. It clearly illustrates the Manchester police escorting 200-300 armed, takfir'ing Pakistanis intent on violence from Halifax (not from NW where Oldham campaign took place). 
Takfir'ing thugs video taped themselves, brazenly boasted intent to do harm to Tommy & his supporters while being escorted/marched by police who had to be utterly deaf to not understand their complicity in advance of the first brick hurled at the families in attendance. 
Tommy, recognizing the danger struggled to find shelter for the hysterical children in local homes or vehicles. The police appeared to be reluctant to recognize the danger and to identify the thugs. 
The video shows multiple clear images of the vermin - for identification purposes each and every individual attacking this campaign stop in Oldham should be visually identified and immediately loose citizenship/residency and be permanently deported from the UK/EU continent.

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