
Monday, May 27, 2019

Tomb Sentinel Wouldn’t Let Extreme Conditions Stop His Duty To Honor Fallen At Arlington

1 comment:

  1. Here's a video featuring Diana West, author of "American Betrayal" and "The Red Thread" with Stephan Molyneux. This discussion reveals a detail which is discussed and addressed all too rarely. They also make particular mention of the fading of a group who worked for years to bring the issue of POWs to light for ultimate resolution.

    Diana discusses the issue of decades of
    "...prisoners of Wars that were never returned. Understand that this was one of the most, the greatest betrayal you could imagine for a country against its own fighting men.
    I mean this this was just a bit the ultimate betrayal and you have any number of presidents and their administration's, factions of their administration's that have kept the seal of secrecy on this.

    I will note that this Memorial Day weekend we will see the final running of Rolling Thunder which is when about 500,000 motorcycles come to Washington on Sunday the day before Memorial Day proper and they
    circle the mall in waves thunderous waves it is thunder and be there many of them are carrying the POWs
    black flag be a commemoration of their brothers left behind that war is so long ago. These men are getting so old that this 2019 is going to be the last demonstration of this American betrayal."
