
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Jazz Crusaders
Way Back Home


  1. OT...cut/paste of comment from conservative treehouse:

    There are disturbing facts concerning the outsourcing of critical flight safety software by Boeing to obtain Boeing aircraft orders from India. The Boeing 737 Max safety problems, causing its worldwide grounding, can be traced to Boeing trying to cut costs by laying off its experienced senior engineers in Puget Sound and hiring recent college graduates in India who can’t seem to get the software to work right.

    At one big meeting of senior engineers, supervisors announced Boeing is a “mature” aircraft manufacturer and no longer has a need for more experienced engineers. Many of these senior engineers were subsequently laid off. It is madness to get rid of engineers with long experience and replace them with apprentice-level people.

    I would NEVER RIDE ON A NEWER BOEING AIRLINER built with people in charge who are this reckless and irresponsible regarding aircraft safety.

    Liked by 9 people

  2. Please Sign: Open Letter to President Trump on Army War College’s Surrender to Islamists”
    by Raymond Ibrahim – PJ Media – June 25, 2019
